The Fortress e-Mentoring Experience
We are very sensitive to the challenges and work diligently to make the e-mentoring experience itself as accessible and peaceful as possible. A typical 45 minute online session is structured as follows:
The Digital Handshake - Depending on your experience with computer technologies, the "digital handshake" may take more or less time. Simply, it involves connecting to each other with the technologies. For those who struggle with such things, we typically establish a telephone connection first and then, while on the voice call, talk through the handshake process to insure a secure, stable connection.
Greetings - It is often desirable to spend a few minutes in friendly, casual conversation before the more serious matters are explored.
Weekly Updates - We believe that mentors must "show how much they care" before our clients will "care how much they know." Therefore, during the weekly we primarily listen and learn. You may see us taking notes but don't be alarmed or suspicious! It's our way of actively listening on all levels: heart, mind and strength.
Resource Discussion - We almost always utilize written resources in our mentoring services. They are available for purchase in the Fortress e-Learning Store and are designed to support and detail the specific strategies for care. Our primary resource for e-Learning is called Peace in the Storm: God's Step Program for Minister's in the Storm. It is a ten step series, including biblically-grounded, neuroscientifically-tested strategies for peace.
Assignments - The e-Learning resources are designed with practical assignments each lesson and those are often discussed and reviewed as well. Don't think of the assignments as school tests or mere busy work! They are not intended to see how smart you are or how good your memory is. They are to help put the lessons into practice in your life right now.
Prayer - As a Christian service, Fortress e-Mentoring we place a high value on prayer and will generally conclude each session with specific prayer.
The Digital Handshake - Depending on your experience with computer technologies, the "digital handshake" may take more or less time. Simply, it involves connecting to each other with the technologies. For those who struggle with such things, we typically establish a telephone connection first and then, while on the voice call, talk through the handshake process to insure a secure, stable connection.
Greetings - It is often desirable to spend a few minutes in friendly, casual conversation before the more serious matters are explored.
Weekly Updates - We believe that mentors must "show how much they care" before our clients will "care how much they know." Therefore, during the weekly we primarily listen and learn. You may see us taking notes but don't be alarmed or suspicious! It's our way of actively listening on all levels: heart, mind and strength.
Resource Discussion - We almost always utilize written resources in our mentoring services. They are available for purchase in the Fortress e-Learning Store and are designed to support and detail the specific strategies for care. Our primary resource for e-Learning is called Peace in the Storm: God's Step Program for Minister's in the Storm. It is a ten step series, including biblically-grounded, neuroscientifically-tested strategies for peace.
Assignments - The e-Learning resources are designed with practical assignments each lesson and those are often discussed and reviewed as well. Don't think of the assignments as school tests or mere busy work! They are not intended to see how smart you are or how good your memory is. They are to help put the lessons into practice in your life right now.
Prayer - As a Christian service, Fortress e-Mentoring we place a high value on prayer and will generally conclude each session with specific prayer.
Fortress e-Mentoring Training and Certification
Believing that mentoring has always been and will continue to be a vital service in the world, we have developed a formal mentoring training and certification program called TFMI--the Training Faithful Mentors Initiative. Though that term is not used in the Bible, it is similar to what the Bible describes as "discipleship", where older and more mature Christians teach and oversee the growth of younger ones. The Apostle laid the vision for mentoring out in his familiar instruction to Timothy: "the things you have heard from me among many witnesses, commit to faithful people who can train others also" (2 Timothy 2:2). TFMI is not required for those who seek our e-mentoring services as a client, however, they are available for individuals and churches who desire to establish a biblically-based, scientifically-tested caregiving ministry along with the formal certification we provide to those who complete it.